Raxous Jofrarr

Age: 34
Height: 6'11.8
Weight: 257 lbs
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Emerald
Current Residence: Gridania
Alignment: Neutral
Likes: Alcohol, Hot springs, Hunting, Skywatching, Sparring, Food, Meat
Dislikes: Cute nicknames, Assassin's
Profession: Mercenary/Guardian


"The Night belongs to beasts of prey and always has. It's easy to forget that when you're indoors, protected by light and solid walls."

Heavy footsteps echoed through the room as he entered, emerald orbs sweeping the space. His gaze, stern and grumpy, met yours with a quick flicker of the eyes. His voice, gruff and primal, carried an otherworldly accent. But it was his eyes that held you their mysterious glow hinting at secrets untold.

The Mercenary

Traveling to and from Eorzea, Raxous makes frequent business trips to secure opportunities for mercenary work, more in line with hunting and guard work but will also take any odd jobs like finding a lost cat. So if you need someone for a couple of jobs or even an odd job Rax is your man, beast-man.


Though Rax has learned Eorzean, he still tends to get confused and lost in the larger cities as he can't read many of the signs.

Owner of Dairyverse Tavern

Owner of a small tavern and he is often seen there, serving homemade milk, freshly milked from creatures across Eorzea like Yak's, etc. However, this tavern crosses as his home


Rax, the seasoned hunter, often trades pelts, meats, and antlers for gil, sustaining his travels and indulging in a beloved hobby. But beneath his rugged exterior, there lies an unexpected passion: baking Coffee Biscuits. Whether for his own delight or to earn a few extra coins, the aroma of freshly baked treats wafts from his campfire, enticing passersby.


  • House: LB W26 P31

  • Room: LB W25 P33 R23

  • Brynhildr


Beware of dark, read if you dare.


Raxous was born in a small Clan stuck in their old traditional ways, Hailing on an island from the distant shores of Ilsabard. They followed a queen and vowed to protect her, just like many other hrothgar’s, however this Helion clan would not last.Both Raxous's parents were respectable and honorable Hrothgar's in the clan. He also had a baby sister whom he had grown immensely protective over as her older brother, They had a bond while his father and mother had hatred for Raxous the day he was born, simply because he was male and not a rare female Hroth. Female Hrothgar's were few and far between, so many of the other males would test their luck, In this, The thirsty males attacked Raxous’s mother while she was alone, killing her by mistake In the end they would kidnap Raxous’s little sister before blackmailing Raxous’s father of his mother’s death. The Queen immediately ordered for Raxous’s father to be detained and executed for his crime, little did the queen know his father was framed. Raxous had his whole family stripped from him and there was nothing this young Hroth could do to save any of them.


And with this is how his story would finally start to fold. He would leave his homeland by boat and leave his old traditional beliefs behind, but he grew angry and for a need for power while he was growing up. So, with that thirst for power, he trained to become a dark knight in doing so he failed due to his fury emotions, so he leaned towards becoming a warrior, to become stronger and revenge his family.
However, this led Raxous down a dark path while becoming aggressive and ruthless. He was not a good cat (Hroth) With no real master to guide him and Raxous’s rage only grew as time went on he was starting to lose himself to his inner beast quite a lot, going berserk and on rampages, 's when he did the unthinkable is when he would start to try overcome his inner beast.
When a mare Hyur boy wanted to help Raxous calm down, it was his first time seeing a Hroth. However, Raxous in his berserk rage, struck down the young child in cold blood. After taking back control, Raxous realized what he had done and noticed the boy had his hair tied up. Rax took this ribbon and tied it to his own weapon’s handle. He kept it with himself for the guilt he felt for ending an honorable child’s life. This event started to change Raxous’s life for the better.


To keep his honor thriving and to never lose the way of his kin, he became a mercenary and would take on any job to earn pocket gil, Playing a mixed role of a Hunter or Guardian in most jobs.


  • House: LB W26 P31

  • Room: LB W25 P33 R23

  • Brynhildr

OOC Information

Thank you for taking the time to read my carrd!
All my RP partners should be 18+ as a bare minimum.
I am generally a pretty lax person who is willing to accommodate your schedule. I am happy to do content and bug you with my company. If you have any questions or are looking to get into RP in general feel free to PM me but do note I am still learning.If you're interested in Discord or Mare feel free to ask!


  • House: LB W26 P31

  • Room: LB W25 P33 R23

  • Brynhildr